Raccoon Deterrents: Keeping Pesky Raccoons at Bay

Raccoon Deterents
Raccoon Deterents

Raccoons are intelligent and resourceful creatures, known for their knack for finding their way into human habitats. While they may seem cute and harmless from a distance, raccoons can quickly become a nuisance when they invade our yards, gardens, and trash cans. Thankfully, there are effective raccoon deterrents available that can help keep these critters at bay. In this article, we will explore various methods and strategies to deter raccoons from your property and maintain a raccoon-free environment.

Understanding Raccoons and their Behavior

The Behavior of Raccoons

Before delving into raccoon deterrents, it’s important to understand the behavior of these creatures. Raccoons are nocturnal by nature and are adept climbers and foragers. They are attracted to easily accessible food sources, including trash bins, pet food, and bird feeders. Raccoons are also excellent problem solvers, capable of overcoming obstacles to reach their desired targets.

Why Raccoons Can Be a Nuisance

Raccoons can cause a range of problems when they enter human spaces. They may create a mess by tipping over trash cans, tearing up gardens, or damaging property in their search for food and shelter. Additionally, raccoons can carry diseases and parasites, posing a potential health risk to humans and pets. Therefore, implementing effective raccoon deterrents is essential for maintaining a harmonious coexistence.

Natural Raccoon Deterrents

Utilizing Natural Scents and Odors

Raccoons have a keen sense of smell, and certain scents can deter them from entering your property. One effective natural deterrent is the use of predator urine, such as that from coyotes or foxes. You can find commercially available products that mimic these scents. Additionally, strong-smelling substances like vinegar, ammonia, or cayenne pepper can help repel raccoons when sprayed around vulnerable areas.

Implementing Motion-Activated Devices

Raccoons are wary creatures and are startled by sudden movements or noises. Motion-activated devices can be an effective deterrent. For example, motion-activated sprinklers or lights can startle raccoons and discourage them from approaching your property. These devices create a sense of unpredictability and make raccoons think twice before venturing near.

Physical Barriers as Raccoon Deterrents

Fencing Options to Keep Raccoons Out

Installing sturdy and raccoon-proof fencing is an excellent long-term solution to keep raccoons away. Use materials such as metal or hardware cloth with small gaps to prevent raccoons from squeezing through. Ensure that the fence extends at least a foot below ground level to deter burrowing attempts. Regularly inspect the fence for any potential entry points and repair them promptly.

Securing Trash and Food Sources

Raccoons are notorious for rummaging through trash cans and finding their next meal. Secure your trash cans with tight-fitting lids or invest in raccoon-proof containers. Avoid leaving pet food outside overnight, as it can attract raccoons. By eliminating easily accessible food sources, you reduce the incentive for raccoons to visit your property.

Chemical Repellents for Raccoon Control

Commercial Raccoon Repellents

There are various commercial raccoon repellents available in the market that can help deter these creatures. These repellents typically use natural ingredients with strong odors that raccoons find unpleasant. Follow the instructions on the product label for the best results. Keep in mind that repellents may need to be reapplied periodically, especially after rainfall.

Homemade Raccoon Repellent Recipes

If you prefer a DIY approach, you can create your own raccoon repellents using household ingredients. For example, a mixture of vinegar, water, and a few drops of dish soap can be sprayed around your yard to discourage raccoons. Another option is to sprinkle cayenne pepper or garlic powder in areas where raccoons frequent.

Effective Tips for Raccoon Prevention

Eliminating Attractants in Your Yard

To deter raccoons effectively, it’s important to remove potential food sources from your yard. Keep your yard clean and free of fallen fruits, nuts, or berries that may attract raccoons. Store pet food indoors and secure compost bins to prevent raccoons from accessing them. Additionally, consider installing squirrel guards on bird feeders to prevent raccoons from stealing the birdseed.

Maintaining a Well-Lit Outdoor Environment

Raccoons prefer dark and secluded areas, so maintaining a well-lit outdoor environment can discourage their presence. Install motion-activated lights around your property, particularly near potential entry points. This will make raccoons feel exposed and vulnerable, reducing their desire to linger in your vicinity.

Seeking Professional Assistance for Raccoon Control

When to Call Wildlife Removal Experts

If your raccoon problem persists despite your best efforts, it may be time to seek professional assistance. Wildlife removal experts are trained to handle raccoon infestations safely and effectively. They have the knowledge, experience, and resources to identify entry points, trap and remove raccoons, and implement long-term prevention measures.

Choosing the Right Wildlife Control Service

When selecting a wildlife control service, ensure they are licensed and experienced in dealing with raccoon removal. Ask for references and inquire about their methods, ensuring they follow humane practices. Additionally, consider services that offer exclusion techniques to prevent future raccoon entry.


By implementing a combination of natural deterrents, physical barriers, and chemical repellents, you can effectively deter raccoons from invading your property. Remember to eliminate attractants, maintain a well-lit environment, and seek professional assistance when needed. With these strategies in place, you can enjoy a raccoon-free zone while preserving the well-being of both humans and raccoons.

Raccoon Deterents FAQs

Are raccoon deterrents harmful to the environment or other animals?

Most raccoon deterrents are designed to be safe for the environment and other animals. However, it’s essential to follow the instructions and use them responsibly.

Will raccoons eventually give up and leave on their own?

Raccoons can be persistent, especially if they find reliable food sources on your property. Implementing raccoon deterrents is usually necessary to encourage them to move elsewhere.

Can raccoons cause structural damage to homes or buildings?

Raccoons have strong claws and can cause damage to roofs, vents, and other entry points. Properly securing your property can help prevent such damage.

Are raccoons aggressive towards humans?

Raccoons generally try to avoid human contact but may become aggressive if they feel threatened or cornered. It’s best to keep a safe distance and not attempt to handle them on your own.

Can raccoon deterrents be used in urban areas?

Yes, raccoon deterrents can be effective in urban areas. However, it’s important to check local regulations and restrictions regarding the use of certain methods or devices.

About Jarrett Kovacek 34 Articles
My role as co-owner means wearing many hats, from accounting to HR to hiring, and more! I graduated college with a degree in English, but soon after graduating, I worked as a recruiter for account professionals. While working in sales, I learned the importance of professionalism, integrity, and caring for every customer. Never did I imagine that the skills and experience I gained would lead me to join talents with my husband, David, someday. Together, we built Raccoon Removal from scratch; and I’m so proud of what it has become! In my free time, I love traveling, boating, reading, and spending time with my family and our furry pets.

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